Introduction to the Workforce Skill Set

Introduction to the Workforce Skill Set


Introduction to the Workforce Skill Set

This skill set provides you with job readiness, skills to help you with resume writing, personal presentation, job interviews and basic small motors maintenance.
The course includes - 
Non-accredited workshops;
- Job Interview Ready,
- Creative Resume writing,
- Small Motors Maintenance &
Accredited workshops;
- FSKDIG03 Use Digital Technology for Routine Work Placement Tasks &
- HLTAID001 Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation or
- HLTAID003 Provide First Aid or 
- CPCCWHS1001 Prepare to Work Safely in the Construction Industry (White Card).
The course includes blended learning involving online and face to face sessions, demonstrations, role play and  theory and practical components and is delivered over seven (7)  two (2) hour sessions.
Students receive both certificate of attendance and statement of attainments upon successful completion.

Learning Methods:

Learning Outcomes:

Program Benefits:


Upcoming Workshops

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